GWT Maps API v3 and Maven


This post was for building the pre-alpha version of theGWT-Maps-V3-API. However, it’s now fully Mavenized and hosted on GitHib. Please check it out from there and simply build it.

Original Post

I’ve been a great fan of Brandon Donnelson’s ongoing gwt-maps-api project. However, I also love the simplicity Maven brings to my projects and life as a whole. The following is how to build the gwt-maps-api project using Maven (m2e) and Eclipse (Indigo). Note that since the project is still prebeta, the below are subject to change. Post a comment if you have an issue or suggestion.


  • Eclipse Indigo installed w/ Maven integration.
  • GWT Eclipse plugin installed (for Indigo 3.7).

Google how to do these tasks if unsure. They should be straight forward.

Checkout the project

Using Tortoise or your subversion client of choice, check out

Import to Eclipse

  1. From the Eclipse Project Explorer: Right Click > Import… > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
  2. Click Browse and find the location you checked the source out to under Selected root directory.
  3. Click Finish on the Import Wizard.

Prune Missing Dependencies

First let’s get rid of the hardcoded references to missing external libraries in the project since these are making Eclipse give your error messages.

  1. Right Click your project on the Projects Explorer > Build Path > Configure Build Path… .
  2. Remove the links to other projects under Projects tab.
  3. Remove links to external ajaxloader, gwt-user, gwt-dev, and validation-api jars under the Libraries tab.

Mavenize the Project

The project is not currently under Maven dependency control. How sad :(. Let’s fix that.

  1. Right Click on the project in the Project Explorer and click Maven2 > Enable Dependency Management (and Finish, ignore config options). Now Maven will try to resolve dependencies.
  2. You’ll need to give it a POM  file to tell it the dependencies and configure the build process. Replace the contents of pom.xml in your project root with the below xml and save. Maven will now download and configure the dependencies.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



    <!-- Artifact details that people will use search for this project -->
    <name>Google Web Toolkit Maps API V3</name>

    <!-- Example license -->
            <!-- <name>LGPLv3</name> <url></url> -->

    <!-- Dev info -->
            <name>Brandon Donnelson</name>
            <organization>Gone Vertical LLC</organization>

        <!-- Java props -->

        <!-- GWT props -->
        <gwt.extraJvmArgs>-Xmx1024m -Xss8m</gwt.extraJvmArgs>

    <!-- Actual build instructions and sequences -->

        <!-- Generate compiled stuff in the folder used for developing mode -->
        <!--<outputDirectory>${}/war/WEB-INF/classes</outputDirectory> -->

        <!-- Build this code -->

        <!-- Plugins needed for building -->
            <!-- Build and package module as GWT jar w/ .gwt inside -->
            <!-- Build using java 1.6. GWT requires at least Java 1.5 -->

            <!-- Deploy source code in the repository -->

            <!-- Deploy javadoc in the repository -->



    <!-- External project dependencies -->

        <!-- Other Google -->
        <!-- Just the necessary GWT bits -->
            <scope>provided</scope> <!-- don't copy to jar -->
            <version>${gwt.version}</version> <!-- don't copy to jar -->
        <!-- Testing -->
            <scope>test</scope> <!-- don't copy to jar -->



Make Project a GWT Project

This will enable the GWT Eclipse plugin functionality for this project.

  1. Right Click project from Project Explorer > Google > Google Web Toolkit Settings… .
  2. Check (or uncheck and recheck) Use Google Web Toolkit checkbox. It should be using the second radio button Use specific SDK which is the maven GWT  jar.

Build and Install Project

Now we’ll build the project and package it into a GWT Library.

  1. Right Click project from Project Explorer > Run as > Run Configurations… .
  2. Right Click on Maven Build and click New.
  3. Under Name give your this configuration a name like “Build gwt-maps-api Library.
  4. Under Base Directory click Browse Worldspace… and select the current project.
  5. Under Goals enter clean compile package install. This will clean out the project, compile it, package it into a jar and install it in your local Maven repo.
  6. Click Apply and click Run. Now you should see a bunch of output ending in BUILD SUCCESS.


You’ve now built the API and can use it. To stay up today, update your project via Subversion and just rebuild it! That was easy.

Using the Library in your Project

For your new map API consuming GWT project, either add the above jar file into your Build Path as an External JAR or add the following dependency if it is a Maven project (easier, Maven rocks!).


Now just inheirt this in your module that uses it. In the yourModule.gwt.xml add:

  <!-- Load the gwt maps api -->
  <inherits name=''/>